God’s Love

God’s Love

A person once asked me
Why I love the Lord.
What great debt He paid that
I could not afford.

i told him the answer
Is easy to see,
I love my dear Savior,
‘Cause He first loved me!

I took him to first John,
The chapter of four,
There verse nineteen showed him
That God loves me more.

He wondered then how I
Could love Him so much,
When I had not seen Him,
Nor heard Him as such.

I took him back up to
Chapter four verse twelve
And showed him that God can
Be inside ourselves.

Then finally I told him
God also loves him,
And sent His own Son to
Redeem him from sin.

I told him if he will
Just open his heart,
Then God will come in and
Divine peace impart.



As apples have coloured skins, green, red, and gold,
So clothes should distinguish new men from the old
While apples work well just to demonstrate clothes
Won’t christians act differently from all Christ’s foes?

The Bible has many clear teachings on dress
But surely it also says something on this!
James one, twenty-seven is clear in it’s thought,
Religion isn’t Christian till good deeds are wrought.

While apple’s skins always show what is inside,
Some christian’s plain clothes can effectively hide
The carnal will working and fighting within,
With unwaning fervour, compelling to sin.

They might look quite good on the outside, ’tis true,
But carnal spots damage them all the way through.
When worms eat an apple, we cut out the worm,
So all of the rest will stay luscious and firm.

But what do we do with the spots in our lives?
We cannot remove them with physical knives!
We cannot remove them in our strength alone,
We need the assistance of One Who doth own,

Our souls and our bodies, and the One Who can clean,
Our spirit and conscience although they’re unseen.
His word is so pow’rful, so quick, and so sharp,
Discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart.

That He might present us to Him without spot,
And wrinkles or any such thing we’ll have not!
Bur faultless before all His glory we’ll be,
To live there and always His face we will see!